Going for Preliminary Project Review

So today we submitted our application for a Preliminary Project Review. It became obvious to me that I will need to go to Committee of Adjustment because the plan I want for the house will not satisfy all City of Toronto by-laws. The preliminary project review is a process where the city will review your initial drawings and give you a list of by-law violations. Then those violations will be what we need to get passed by the committee of adjustment. The preliminary project review process is expected to take between 10-15 business days. And once we get the results, we can start to plan for what we need to bring to the committee of adjustment. Below, are the initial drawing that’s sent into the preliminary project review.



It actually took much longer than anticipated because the city wanted exterior dimensions on everything including exterior dimensions of every level even though the building is a straight box one on top of each other. So the architect had to scribble down some additional dimensions, and then we had to go to Staples to get the drawings scanned again and put onto a DVD-RW to satisfy the electronic submission requirement. We started at around 11am and finished around 1:15pm. We’ll see just how many by-law violation city will cite on my design. 🙂



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