Metal siding day 2

The work on the metal siding continues today. On top of the sheet metal work, I’ve also asked the roofer to lower the roof drain properly to the plywood level so that the roof drain doesn’t protrude above the roof line. Here is all the metal siding installed on the inside of the parapet wall on the south and west side. Most of the capping on the south side is done.

Metal siding

A look at the west and north side. The metal siding is up but the capping is not yet done.

Metal siding

Here’s a look of the outside parapet wall on east side of the house.

Metal siding

Here’s a look from the west side. You can see here the outside parapet wall on the north side is all completed as well.

Metal siding

And here’s the outside parapet wall on the south side.

Metal siding

Work continues tomorrow and hopefully it will be finished before the weekend.

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