Metal siding day 3

Tom and Kevin from Resco Roofing is here today to finish the metal sidings and some other left over sheet metal works.

For the metal siding, a Z flashing / drip edge is installed right on top of the EIFS overhang. Then the metal siding goes on top of it.

Metal siding

On the inside the metal panel is installed right on top of the membrane that was torched onto the inside of the parapet well. The panel goes down all the way to the cant or about 3″ off the ground. Then a sheet metal cap is installed on top of it.

This is the north / east corner of the roof.

Metal siding

Here’s the south side of the roof.

Metal siding

The west side of the roof.

Metal siding

The north / west corner of the roof.

Metal siding

The south / east corner is where the glass guardrails will be installed in the future. So a flat drip edge is installed over the EIFS overhang and rooming material is torched all the way to the edge.

Metal siding

On the 3rd floor, black metal soffit and metal fascia is installed.

Metal siding

On the east side which is the low side of the flat roof, eavestrough and a downspout is installed to drain water from the 3rd floor roof to the main roof. The water will then drain through the two interior roof drains.

Metal siding

And here’s the exterior view of the back of the house.

Metal siding

Exterior view from the north side of the house.

Metal siding

Exterior view from the south side of the house.

Metal siding

Finally a view form the front of the house.

Metal siding


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